The Power of Social Media

The rise of social media has revolutionized not only how people socialize but also how brands or businesses interact with their customers. Access between brands and customers and vice versa has never been this easy, fostering a more dynamic relationship otherwise unachievable through traditional media. Not to mention social media does not cost as much as television or radio commercials, which is why it is at the forefront of modern advertising platforms used by almost all brands. Just like NOBASIC.

Level of engagement is important in effective social media marketing and NOBASIC keeps its level high through compelling content. How? Not only does NOBASIC replies and reacts to queries and comments, it also reposts customers’ photos and posts, which become content that are 100% relatable and valuable to its patrons. NOBASIC does this by encouraging their customers to use simple hashtags, such as #NOBASIC when they post about their recent purchases. Nothing can make a consumer smile more than seeing her photos appreciated by brands, right?

Our awesome patrons turned friends.

Content does not always have to be a hard sell on a brand. When a brand knows who its customers are, it is more likely that it knows what topics they will value. It is marketing without repeatedly seeing a post that asks consumers to buy something. One of the things that NOBASIC does is it creates blog posts that are relevant to its audience. For example, posts about the latest accessory trends and newest shades of lipsticks would surely catch the attention of most ladies. In short, it is identifying stories that can compliment a brand.

Remember this: content is KING!

Another wonderful feature social media has that most brands find very useful is that it allows its customers to be a part of its marketing campaigns. Bloggers, Vloggers, Influencers --- no matter what their labels are, their contribution in social media marketing is undeniable. Brands can simply tap them and can immediately expand their market reach without breaking the bank! A simple gesture like sending a fashion blogger a NOBASIC care package of NOBASIC’s latest pieces can result in more mileage and new followers!

Social media have created a platform where customers can reach the brand with a few taps on their keyboards and this is something brands should value. Create and sustain brand loyalty by embracing its customers and build an online community. There is no other venue where brands can have instant and ‘free’ ambassadors than the internet. Presence on social media also ‘personifies’ a brand. It gives the impression that a brand is just like any other friend, someone a customer can talk to about things that interest them. And NOBASIC customers know that if they want to talk to someone about fashion and beauty, they can just hit up NOBASIC’s social media pages 24/7!

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